Weaverville Fire Protection District

Regular Meeting –Monday February 2, 2010

5:00 p.m. - 125 Bremer Street, Weaverville, California


Steve Howard, Chairman                                                                              Larry Helsley, Commissioner

Bill Britton, Vice-Chairman                                                                          George Owen, Commissioner

                                                                                                                            Mike Williams, Commissioner

I.                 CALL TO ORDER:


II.              CONSENT AGENDA: All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the board and will be enacted by one vote.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A.     Approve Minutes Regular Meeting January 11, 2010 & Special Meeting January 11, 2010

B.     Approve Warrant List, Journal Entries, & Budget Transfers


III.            ACTION ITEMS:

A.     Discuss/Approve Cover fees of obtaining a Class B Medical Exam and Permit/License Fees for Mr. McMillan –

B.     Discuss/Approve Revised Equipment List for the New Rescue 2151 –

C.     Discuss/Approve Surplus item, 1992 Ford Rescue Chassis as sealed bid auction –

D.     Discuss/Amend Sleeper Contract –

E.      Discuss/Amend Disciplinary Policy # 1-03  -

F.      Discuss/Approve Financial and Banking Alternatives –

G.     Discuss/Approve Change in Annual Audit Company –

H.     Discuss/Approve Update Lighting in Museum Fiscal Impact of $500.00 -



A.     Hazardous Reduction Progress Report:

B.     Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report:

C.     Fire Department Report:

D.     Sleeper Program Reports:

E.      Committee Reports:

1.      Background Check Committee: (Williams, Howard, Alvord, Corbett)

2.      Recruitment Committee: (Britton, Helsley, Alvord, Corbett, Prindiville)

3.      Collections Committee: (Howard, Hammer, Maddox)

4.      Contract Committee: (Williams, Alvord)

5.      Budget Committee: (Howard, Helsley, Alvord, Maddox)

F.      Director Reports:


V.               PUBLIC COMMENT: